Monday, February 9, 2009

25 randoms about me :)

so everyone has been doing this on facebook... and i finally caved and did it! lol enjoy :)

1. i am absolutely in love with my family and friends. i truly feel that if you have your family and friends, then you need nothing more. cliche, yes.. but i'm going to say it. i would be nowhere without them.2. i think waaaayy too much into things. i've tried to stop doing this, and i have gotten better about it. but i still think too much, and probably always will. it's actually a very exhausting habit to have.3. i have just recently realized how much i have fallen in absolute LOVE with indiana university.i always felt sad that when ppl asked me how school was i couldn't truthfully say that i loved it, but now, i know i can. i don't know exactly what it is (my crazy and amazing roomies, all the truly hilarious and genuine ppl i have recently met, or a combination of everything here), but i finally have been convinced that i ABSOLUTELY made the right decision coming to this school. i truly feel so fortunate to have the experiences that i have had here in btown.4.i am notorious for saying "i feel bad." ugggh. at least i don't say it as much as i used to tho. i feel bad about the silliest things. no matter how mean a person has been to me in the past, i will ALWAYS help them out when needed. if not...i'll "feel bad." ha. roommates and i have certain phrases that we say in funny situations, and it's become quite ridiculous how much we say them... "that's kinda twisted"----this could be for anything weird or backwards. most of the time we use it to explain dumb things that boys do...normally has something to do with them pretending that they are pimps.."that's jank"----this all started with our peace sign necklace. kella got the brilliant dea to turn my ugly peace sign earrings into a cool necklace by somehow twisting the chain around the earring. i thought i was brilliant and created a word by saying, "that is jank." then i urban-dictionary-ed it and realized that i was just uncool and that the word jank has been used for millions of years by cool ppl around the world hahah6.while we're talking about phrases that are overused i must say....the word "legit" drives me insane. i don't know why. i hear it all the time here at iu, and it is not one of may favorite phrases. 6. SNS----stands for.... ahh can't say lol. all started out as a huuuuuge joke. a group of my girlfriends started saying it, and now it's become this weird club sort of thing. kinda like you had back in the second grade. very mature right? hah even though it is a silly thing, it has actually made me think about how much my girlfriends truly mean to me, and how i always want to be there for them.7.we recently started a notebook in our apt that we write down ANYTHING and EVERYTHING funny that is said...mostly when people drink too much kool-aid. i have always been the first one to write down silly quotes that my friends, family, and i say... and it makes me happy that i have finally convinced my friends up her to keep a book of all the quotes.8.i think everyone should wear sweatpants MUCH more often than they do. so much more comfortable than jeans and normal clothes. 9. jess and i just recently bought these insanely huge sunglasses from the mall, and i have started to put them on whenever i am bored. they always make me laugh. on laur's bday we fiilled 3 facebook albums full of pictures of the girls...INSIDE. AT NIGHT. IN SUNGLASSES. it wasn't until later that we looked back and said, "well that's kinda twisted."10. i looove the office. i don't even know why i still begin my sentences with "that reminds of this one episode.. of the office.." anymore, because everyone knows it's coming11. i have recently realized how fun it is to go parties by yourself (no no... don't worry family :)... not like random parties..somewhere safe where i at least know a couple ppl). but anyway... i feel like it's a really great way to meet ppl and do your own thing (NOT THAT I DON'T ABSOLUTELY LOOOVE GOING W/ MY FRIENDS PLACES ) . my brother phil once told me "you have to throw yourself into some pretty uncomfortable positions if you want to truly live your life," and i love him for telling me that. i also remember my sister linds once telling me that some of the best places she went to at iu were by herself, and that when she was comfortable doing that, then she truly felt herself. 12. while we're on the topic of siblings. i love my sisters more than anyone can ever imagine and i miss them every minute of everyday. 13. and both of my brothers (technically in-laws... but my brothers :). i am so happy that my sisters found such amazing people that fit in so well with our family. i love holidays when we are all able to be together (my favorite has to be when i come downstairs and my dad, phil, and eddie are all passed out and sleeping in our three recliners watching sports hehe:) knowing how special and complete they make my family always makes me happy, because i realize that the guy i bring home in 5 or 10 years will have to be pretty cool to fit in with them :) mom and dad-------<3 style="font-size:180%;">15. i can't mention everyone i love in here... and that makes me "feel bad" haha. but you know you are. i also "feel bad" that i got to number 13 before i mentioned my family. so disclaimer... these are most definitely not ordered :)16. i told you i feel bad about everything.17. i think that alanis morissette has some of the most insightful lyrics of any artist. i would looove to see her in concert someday. 18. i love concerts. it's impossible for me not to feel amazing at a concert with amazing music and friends19. i miss being a part of sports teams and clubs in high school. i miss volleyball and tennis even more than normal lately. i know linds... i should do intramurals :)20. i have an incredible passion for dancing. now that i am no longer a dance major i miss it more than ever, and i always cry when i see my dance major friends dance. partly because i miss it so much, but mostly because i am so proud of them. i also cry whenever i see my friends choreography onstage... ahh...21.i've always said that it drove me crazy when a)ppl are in relationships they don't want to be in and b)don't tell the ppl in their lives how they feel about them. that's why i am always telling my friends and family how much i love them. because if for some reason i were to never seem them again, i want them to know how much i care about them and how much they have impacted my life. 22. and more about a) from above. i'd rather have my heart broken than one of my girl friends. it breaks my heart to see my friends with ppl that don't treat them the way they deserve to be treated.same goes for my guy friends.23. my roommates and i barter goods for the water bill. for example... 1 cheesy bread with ranch and garlic sauce= 1 months water bill. or.. 1 box of hair dye= 1/2 the month's water bill. sometimes i feel like if everyone just traded goods instead of using money the world would be a better place. 24. i loooove food. in high school i once ate a dozen glazed donuts in one sitting, and today i ate enough taco bell for 3 very very very large hungry men.25. making this list was actually a lot more enjoyable than i thought it would be. if you made it to number 25, i love you for putting up with my craziness. :)

love to all,

milly ann


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